Touch the panel on the ground to trigger an event. Take the stairs to get to the second level, and then knock the Tarkatas off the blade to create a step for you. Once inside you'll see a huge blade spinning above you. This segment of the stage takes a lot of platforming skills, so be mindful of all the attacks that are thrown towards you. In the first room, head right and you'll be outside again. Once you have finished this, go back to the main room, and then head to the Green room. If you don't want to get up close and personal, stay back and fire projectiles at it to take it down. Be careful when it rears back though, as it'll become a towering inferno that does an insane amount of damage. When it kneels down, get behind it to avoid its fire and to really lay a beating on it. As for the Hellbeast itself, it's an easy opponent because it can't block. Orochi Hellbeast comes partnered with three Tarkatas, but they're easily disposed of if you use a Multality. You'll soon have to face the Orochi Hellbeast, which is a fearsome mini-boss. Back track and go through that door, and enter it. Complete this and then the red door that you might have found earlier is now opened. Now, continue on and you'll come to another Test Your Might challenge. Do this a total of three times to continue. You have to crush him in order for the gate to stay down. Here, you have to time your pull of the lever with the Masked Guard. Take control of the lever for a Test Your Might challenge. Here, run straight ahead, avoiding the spikes that pop up towards you. Either way, continue on and you'll end up outside. You can either stay and fight or flee, so it doesn't really matter what you do. Go into the one that's slightly cobwebbed, and you'll come to a room with two floors, and a ton of Tarkatas. Head into the red room, and then you'll be faced with two exits. You can go into either room, but we'll do the Red room first. When you enter the Soul Tombs, the building is split up into two rooms: Red and Green. Once you climb up, enter the portal to go to the Soul Tombs. Climb up the wall, minding the skulls that attack you. The entrance to this place is located on the lower section of the Portal hub, in the same area as the Foundry. Now that you have the Wall Climb ability, you can finally access the Soul Tombs.